A broad collection of articles on investing for social good.
GLOBAL IMPACT INVESTING NETWORK: This portal gives you a lot of information about what impact investing is. They offer training, research and comprehensive guides in addition to consulting services. This page within their website tells a bit more about impact investing.
(A lot of articles we read and people we spoke to refer back to the GIIN, simply because of how comprehensive their portal is. Take a look at the website, poke around, everything in there is written so anyone can understand it... as in, no term or concept is unexplained or un-understandable!!)
THE CASE FOUNDATION: This article focuses on the 'why' of impact investing rather than just give an overview of what it is. Worth a read.
FORBES ON IMPACT INVESTING: This article is both an opinion piece as well as laden with definitions and examples. It also attempts to explain how to this is different from traditional investing and philanthropy. A very good piece for those new to the idea.
McKINSEY CONSULTING: This piece challenges the myth that impact investing yields lower returns on investment and therefore not an attractive form of investment. They use empirical data and longitudinal research (data over a period of time) to support their hypothesis that impact investing is indeed a very solid investment option.
US| SIF : The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment is an outlet that advances sustainable investing. They advocate sustainable investment practices, 'focusing on long term investment and positive social and environmental impacts', according to their mission statement. They outline a lot of concepts within their portal including resources and online courses.
GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT ALLIANCE: This alliance publishes a comprehensive report every other year (biennial) . According to their website, the GSI is "the only report collating results from the market studies of regional sustainable investment forums from Europe, the United States, Japan, Canada, and Australia and New Zealand. It provides a snapshot of sustainable investing in these markets at the start of 2018 by drawing on the in-depth regional and national reports from GSIA members". The report for 2018 can be accessed here. The PDF is free to download.
While the report itself is quite comprehensive and may not interest everyone, it is worth a look, simply to see a global trend and how different countries are viewing sustainable and responsible investing. Think of it as a global snapshot if you may! Of course, for those of you who are interested in tracking trends and getting a deeper global understanding, you can pore through the entire report, which is not very long at 26 pages.
INVESTOPEDIA: This article explains very clearly what impact investing is, what are some considerations companies have when considering this option and how it varies from Socially Responsible Investing.
Here is another article from the same portal on Socially Responsible Investing
Socially Responsible Investing: How to Get Started in 6 Steps:
A comprehensive yet very simply written article from (author David McMillin), this article outlines the importance of socially responsible investing (as opposed to just donating money for a good cause).
It outlines products as well as questions that you need answered to get started . (Brought to our attention by reader Tanasia Bailey.
Thank you Tanasia, suggestions like this are not only helpful to others, but also keeps us motivated!)